For everything there is a season... ecclesiastes 3:1
Your statutes have been my songs in the house of my sojourning. psalm 119:54

Saturday, July 20, 2013

"Normal" Life

These precious summer weeks are flying by.  I can't tell you how much we both couldn't wait for this "last" summer, as we called it.  The last summer with Jonathan spending the majority of time at home--working, but at home, not out in the "real world" with the demands of a full time job.  The last summer of being just a couple, no little kiddos vying for our attention.  The last summer of life at the Beach Cottage, since, as our family grows, so will our home.  Since most of August we'll be traveling (a conference in Portland, a vacation/babymoon, weddings in Illinois), and September will be the dissertation defense (yikes!), and then it'll be moving (somewhere) and a job (hopefully!), and eventually Silly Goose's arrival into the world...well, let's just say it's been our goal to enjoy these precious weeks of "normal" life at the Beach Cottage.

And they're going too fast.  

What have we been up to?

 Well, this.

There's nothing like being able to grab a beach towel and your sunglasses and walk down to the sand.  Boy, have I missed this!  And I know I will too!  I mean, a day at the beach can be planned.  A week's vacation can be anticipated and thoroughly enjoyed.  But, stepping out the front door to spend a few extra minutes soaking up the sun--err, getting one's daily dose of vitamin D?  Who gets to do that?  We do.  And we're making every effort to fully savor our last summer by the beach.

But we haven't just been beach-bumming it, trust me.

I bake.
Mmm, actually this banana bread is in the oven right now.
And it smells sooooo good.
Is this classified as a craving?

Traveling so much meant eating out all the time.  Granted, it was on the company card, but after a while, it gets old.  I missed my cute little (cantankerous) oven, grocery shopping, and--I'll admit it--even the cooking.  It's not something I ever thought I'd enjoy, but I really did miss it.  It's good to be home.  Not to mention all the wonderful fresh summer produce in abundance!

Let's see, what else?

 Home improvement.  
These are my new mint plants growing outside the kitchen window.

From my Mom's mint plants in Illinois, graciously brought all the way out to California by my Father-in-law, I dearly hope these make it!  I'm not known for having a green thumb, but I'm willing to learn!  And I sure love having a little green right outside my kitchen!  

Jonathan's been busy too.  Surfing.

Just kidding, that's not all he does!

 Actually, this is what he does most of the time.
Write, write, write.
Did I mention the dissertation is scheduled for September?
Speaking of which, I'm way behind on the editing part.

We've also been relishing our Sundays back in Altadena church and getting together with family and friends.  The other week we went to a free performance of Shakespeare in a local park with some friends, out for pizza another night with another friend, fireworks with aunts and uncles and cousins on the 4th, midweek bible study with our much-missed South Bay group...

And I was worried I might get bored!  Suffice it to say, that's not been a problem!  God has given me plenty of opportunities to not only keep busy, but also prepare me for that big daunting thing called motherhood looming ahead in just 4.5 months!  I've started spending a few days a week with a darling family with 2 little active guys and a third due to make an appearance next month.  Getting to serve is a blessing, but being mentored and seeing a wonderful mother in action?--even better!  

I've also been blessed by getting to spend time with these crazies!

Some of Jonathan's cousin's adorable kiddos!
My days with them are full to bursting of giggles and FUN!

Basically...we have a full life!  And we are loving it!  This really has been a wonderful blessing of a "last" summer!  


  1. Love your post and that you both are wise enough to savor this "last summer". But mostly I love the last photo! :)

    1. I love his expression!! You can't help but giggle! I have about 20 more of all kinds of funny faces he was making! Such a goof!

  2. Kali-
    We were just talking about you last night and remembering CVE days. Glad to hear things are going well. Enjoy the "Last Summer", it is a very exciting time that you will never go back to. BUT, greater adventures lie ahead.
    Let us know if you are ever around Chicago. It'd be great to see you guys sometime.
    Dios les bendiga mucho!
