For everything there is a season... ecclesiastes 3:1
Your statutes have been my songs in the house of my sojourning. psalm 119:54

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Japan: Part 2

Let's talk crazy adventures. We had a few of those along the way!

Day 1: Longest Day Ever! It began early, like 5 am or something, as we loaded up and headed to the airport. After all the airport rigmarole, we were on our way to Hawaii. When we arrived, it felt like late afternoon, but it was only noon on the Islands. Seven hour layover? We're not Jonathan is not the type to spend a layover lounging around an airport when there are sights to be seen!

 So we visited Pearl Harbor!

 It was a beautiful monument! And came along with lots of great history!

(P.S. Please note, because of this adventure, lil' Eddie did not nap.)

And then! We're off! Boarding a jet plane!

Late evening we left Hawaii with one bonkers toddler--we're talking uber slap-happy! The goal was to keep him awake as long as possible because our arrival time in Japan, after an 8 hour flight, was only 11:00 pm, so the goal was to jump-start his acclimation to the time difference. We ate. We played. He had a major meltdown. He crashed. Not bad. Not bad at all, this kiddo wins the medal for traveling toddlers, hands down!

Whew! So we're off to an adventuresome start! Touch down at Haneda airport. Little mister was obviously awake for the airport and customs, he's too curious to sleep through that. A little wait for our hotel shuttle, during which I was desperately trying to force food into Eddie's stomach so he wouldn't wake up hungry once we all finally crashed at the hotel.

And what a hotel! I'm sure it's been said somewhere by someone before, but Japan wins the prize for beautiful, well-designed efficiency.

 Here's our room.
Photo taken just inside the doorway in the (very) narrow hallway.

Bathroom was to the left. Super small, but still had the shower and sink separate from the toilet, a must (and let me just insert, I THINK THAT'S BRILLIANT! Why would you want to brush your your teeth and wash yourself where you just flushed away all the yuck?). The picture may lead you to believe that way down at the end where the bed is, the room gets wider. Barely. Hardly at all. But they still managed to fit in a table back there (to eat your rice at, that counter midway on the left was the kichenette complete with rice cooker, of course). Wow! What a feat! For being so small, it was comfortable and had more amenities than we needed. But enough of the hotel review. The important thing was sleep. After such an incredibly long day chasing the sunset across the world, it felt so good to lay down in a bed! And Eddie did sleep several hours straight! Mission accomplished! We awoke rested!

Food was one adventure after another! To be expected, but what I didn't expect was how much I'd love the food. Me. The one who'd never even really had Japanese food, sushi included, until I was brought into the Sauder family! 
 I ate that.
That thing, the one staring back at the camera. It was actually delicious!

 And this. Yep. Even the flowers and greens. 
(As you can see, presentation is half the battle. 
If it looks that pretty, anything is worth at least trying.)

The one thing I didn't love.
Mochi. Just saying it makes me gag. It's just that I don't do super chewy.
And this is super-duper-duper-lump-in-my-mouth-why-can't-get-this-swallowed chewy.

Did I mention the above pictures were all part of one meal? An eight course meal. It lasted 2 and half hours. Two and half hours of very quiet, very formal dining consisting of foods Eddie could not/would not eat. How did he do? FANTASTIC! He sat at the table the whole time, ate the few snacks I had packed in his diaper bag, and played with one small bag of toys the whole time. Miracle child. Or just plain miracle, one could say.

This next food experience was wonderfully memorable as well! 

 The restaurant, consisting of numerous small traditional huts, private rooms,
was surrounded by gorgeous gardens--put the Huntington to shame!

 First we just walked around oohing and ahhing!


 This is the view looking from the gardens into our dining hut.

 Tatami floor, of course, but we didn't have to dine sitting our our knees with our legs falling asleep, they had "western-style" chairs for us to sit in. 

The main course was brought out as raw chicken and vegetables on skewers
to be cooked over the coals placed in the center of the table.

It was an epic evening! So beautiful, so delicious, and wonderful company too!

Other eating adventures...
 Crazy crepes!
Never ingested so much whipped cream in one setting in my life.

Haha! And this one! Good story!
Shortly after we arrived and were settled into our accommodations at Shioda church, we were struggling with some jet lag, feeling hungry at odd times, and I was feeling a bit queasy from the lack of sleep and long drive from the city out into the country. So when someone stopped by bearing Pizza Hut, we were thrilled! It sounded delicious! Hit-the-spot material! Even Eddie was chanting "pizz, pizz!" Until we opened it. One was topped with seaweed. No joke. The other sported mayonnaise for the sauce, and corn and potatoes for topping. Umm. No thanks! Some brave souls tried it, even enjoyed it. I was not one of them!

 Let's see. Other adventures...

Meiji Shrine
We took off one afternoon, just us 4 to do some exploring of Tokyo.
(Jonathan did a stellar job navigating Tokyo's intense train system, 
hence why it went smoothly and we didn't get lost!)

 Jonathan spent one day meeting up with some work connections and ended up sampling this guy's sushi which he heard about through an NPR feature. He's a true chef, wants you to get the best tasting sushi, which means it can't sit at all, even for a few seconds. He told Jonathan to use his fingers if he wasn't adept enough at chopsticks--anything to get the sushi into his mouth while it was still fresh!

Not pictured, for obvious reasons as you'll soon understand, was our delightful evening at the onsen. It's a public bath. Uh huh. As in, you go in, men go one way, women go the other, you undress, down to your birthday suit (appropriately, we went on Mom Sauder's birthday), and bathe with a bunch of other people. Sounds weird. It's cultural, folks. When in Rome... It was a little strange, but that sort of faded as you felt the glorious hot spring mineral water! For all the weird, we wished we didn't have to leave and talked often throughout the trip of how much we wished for another free day to spend at an onsen.

 Dipped our toes in the other side of the Pacific!
(The beach was black sand, hard to tell from photo.)
What do you think? Christmas card worthy?

 These crazies went to the zoo. Ask 'em about it!

 Hottest, most humid, sticky, sweltering day, I've ever experienced.
(And I lived in Mexico in the summertime in rainy season without air conditioning.)
Seriously. Never been so hot in my life.
Usually, you can't get Eddie out of the stroller, he loves it. Not this day, it was too hot. He was a sweaty, miserable little boy!

Adventures by train:

Adventures by car:
 These narrow ally ways are meant for 2-way traffic!
Yikes! Way to go, Dad Sauder, our faithful chauffeur!
 Visiting the tallest tower in the world!

This guy. That double chin.
(Oh, and the glass floor that one is supposed to be scared to walk on? He laid down on it. Just laid down. Didn't want to get up.)

 Senso-ji Temple

 We are very sweaty here.

 Odawara Castle.
 Couldn't go inside as it's being refurbished, or whatever they do to thousand year old castles.

But the greatest adventure of them all...da da da daaaaaa! 

Oh, but surely you're all tired of reading this extremely long post. I'll have to save that one for another day...

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Japan Part 1 of ?

I'd love to recap our trip-of-a-lifetime to Japan for you all! Lots of you have asked about our trip, and it's so hard to capture all our adventures in just a short conversation!

First of all, I say "trip-of-a-lifetime" because it was such a unique trip, unrepeatable in many ways! We definitely hope we get a chance to go back, but a future trip would be so different than the ten days we spent there this time--mainly because we got to experience Japan for the first time along with Jonathan's two sisters (also experiencing it for the first time) and his parents, who's experience living in Japan years ago is the reason we went. Much of the time was spent meeting people who meant so much to them, seeing the places that made up their life there back when Jonathan was just a baby, then a toddler, then a little boy. It was sentimental, sweet, and extremely special to see, especially with our baby-turned-toddler. I feel such a strong connection to that stage of my in-laws' life, maybe because Jonathan and I are in the same stage of life they were when they called Japan home. It was palpable enough to bring tears to my eyes on several occasions.

So, to begin this chronicle of our Japan trip, I'll show you a few of those sentimental moments and special people.

 We visited one of the parks Jonathan remembers playing at as a kid.

Eddie loved it. Of course, it was an incredible park! Not only did we wade in this giant pool (which felt so refreshing--it was SO hot!) we walked up those pyramids in the background to the fountains on top.

 The "roll-ey" slide!

It's been redone since Jonathan was little, and Eddie wasn't too sure anyway. Unfortunately, Gramps took Eddie down the slide first and had a little crash at the bottom (let me tell you, it builds up some speed!). I actually caught it on video, accidentally, and while we all felt terrible for Gramps' rear which caused him quite a bit of grief the rest of the trip, it's pretty hysterical to watch!

The girls and Jonathan and I climbed this play structure 
which was another highlight of Jonathan's childhood!
 It was pretty high for me, so I can't imagine watching my little guy climb to the top! 

The park had a river of shallow water to wade in
(and rocks to build dams if you're an engineer).

These two (and all of us!) wished we could stay and play all day!

We saw the university where Dad Sauder taught,

the pool where Jonathan had swimming lessons,
(we didn't actually make a special trip just to stand outside the pool Jonathan swam in, but we peeked in since we were hitting up McDonald's next door for some much needed iced coffee!)
the apartment where Mom Sauder lived when she first moved to Japan,

the door to the apartment Jonathan grew up in,

the view of rice fields and Mt. Fuji from their apartment building,

the little street where Jonathan took his first steps.

We met these dear people, 
who are especially dear to Dad and Mom Sauder.

Eddie clicked with Toru right away, once he took Eddie to see his fish. And the lovely Junko made us delicious tea from herbs grown in her garden.

We met this wonderful woman with a contagious smile.

She welcomed us into her home and fed us the most delicious watermelon I've ever tasted while her husband showed us his handmade home-fired clay instruments, played them for us, and let us try.

This sweet lady generously took us girls shopping at a fancy department store.

Saleswomen swarmed us as we picked out these beautiful traditional yucatas and learned how to put them on and tie the sashes. It was one of the most unique experiences I'd ever had, and also unforgettably humorous. We drew a crowd as the salespeople snapped photos for us, and stood back pronouncing, "kawaii" or "cuuuute". 

 Mostly it was just special to see our special people,
with some of their special people!

Isn't it true that relationships and experiences play such a dramatic role in shaping who we are? In that way, it was an incredible gift to see, or at least glimpse, what played a big part in shaping the Sauder family as a whole, and particularly Dad and Mom and Jonathan. There's no telling who they'd be today if not for the years spent in Japan with those people, living that life. I know because I was forever marked by the culture I spent just a few years living in and the people that influenced me during those few short years. It was dramatic and moving to get to peek into such a major part of the Sauder family story. An experience I treasure along with the many special memories made!