While I've been meaning to post more regularly, and set the goal of more than one blog post per month, somehow time got away from me and here we are in November. How did that happen? Eddie is almost a year old! Unbelievable!
Anyway...allow me to document the past few weeks.
Probably most notably for Jonathan an I, our tentative search for a house became more serious when we encountered one worth pursuing. It all became very real as we sat down with our realtor and she talked us through an offer proposal. After a few days, as expected, they counter-offered above our price range, and we let the idea of that being our house fade away. While we knew we were unlikely to actually get the house, it was fun to dream and wonder. Since then, we've continued looking, even seriously considering a few, but trying to be patient and continue surrendering to the One who knows His plans for us, His place for us, and His perfect timing for us.
Two little "punkins"!
The weather is finally cooling down (after a legitimate rain this past weekend, Praise the Lord!) and with it crisp, fall air, worthy of sweatshirts. We even had an early taste of it a week ago when we made a weekend trip to Big Bear. It's that time of year, time for ski patrol training days, and it's always nice when Eddie and I get to go along and enjoy some mountain time.
Shortly after arriving, since Jonathan wasn't occupied until the next day, we enjoyed an afternoon hike. It was called Castle Rock; as we made our way up, huge boulders made for some spectacular fun!
This one looks like it was stopped by this tree!
By this point, Eddie had fallen asleep.
Poor guy, it was nap time!
He perked up!
And when we let him out...then he was having a ball!
Actually, we got him out and he and I played in a pretty flat spot while Dad finished the hike. The last few yards to the top of the "castle" required some climbing that was pretty difficult with a baby carrier.
Oh, he's so handsome!
The only pictures I took were on our hike, but we enjoyed our stay at a quaint but nice lodge-style hotel just a few blocks from a sweet little "ski-town-esque" downtown. The Copper Q provided some lovely hot drinks--peppermint lattes and dark chocolate mochas, there were lots of interesting little shops selling gifts and souvenirs, and the sidewalks boasted welcoming benches around cozy fire pits for the chilly evenings.
Jonathan completed his ski patrol training, so now all we need is some snow! And, as I mentioned we actually got some rain a few days ago which gave the mountains a little dusting supposedly.
And this little guy?
He's been busy! Playing,
(he really does great entertaining himself)
working on his balance,
(pushing chairs across the kitchen, walking along the bookshelves and couch)
and eating!
(his current favorite is peas, go figure!)
Last week costumes were encouraged at family dinner, and with his current affection for his Curious George stuffed toy, I couldn't resist dressing him up like The Man With The Yellow Hat. Unfortunately, he wouldn't wear the hat, which is kind of what makes the outfit. Oh well, we tried!
Another favorite pastime of Eddie's: dirt! If we're outside, he immediately finds the nearest dirt source--handfuls come out of the planters on the patio, indoor potted plants aren't safe either.
All boy!
It's also been fun to see his preferences develop! He lunges for the stroller and begs to go on walks, definitely loves being outside!
And he's pretty fond of this guy.
Me too!