For everything there is a season... ecclesiastes 3:1
Your statutes have been my songs in the house of my sojourning. psalm 119:54

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Flexibility--which inherently means some stretching

We're learning to respond with an attitude of flexibility.  Why is that so hard?  Does anyone else find the ability to react to unexpected changes or new assignments with an air of easy adjustment extremely difficult to master?  What is it about us as humans that draws us to the comfortable and easy?

That said, in the last week, our travel plans have changed often along with our daily activities.  In that way, every day is a new adventure.  Take yesterday, for example.  I never would have thought I would ever have to sit through an all-day conference featuring speakers on different aspects of farming--from the best equipment available to cover seeds once they're planted, to the latest developing technology for measuring crop yield, to the advantages of planting beans in giant checkerboard fashion rather than more traditional rows.  Fascinating stuff.  Some of it.  Okay, a little bit of it.  Most of it was over my head.  But I did manage to pick up on a few things (Like the fact that a stalk of corn only has one ear when ready for harvest.  Which makes me wonder, why do we always draw it with a bunch of ears?).  Anyway, Jonathan loved it.  On the way home he said, "I could learn about anything in that amount of detail!"  Well, for me, it still falls under the new-experiences-expanding-my-horizons category, and there's only so much farm talk I can take.  There was a steak lunch included, so it wasn't all bad.

At one point during the speakers, I sneaked out for a change of scenery and went to the post office.  (Yes, that speaks volumes about my interest level considering going to visit the local post master was exciting.)  Actually, I needed to mail our applications for a Brazilian visa.  So, we can all pray that the process goes smoothly and we get those without much hassle.

Regarding travel plans, our launch date is now February 6 (more flexibility!).  We're pleased to have another week here in the temperatures plunging dangerously close to zero!  No really!  In spite of the cold, extra time with family and friends, not to mention more time to prepare for take off, is much appreciated!  The plan is still New Zealand first, followed by South America, and the schedule still allows for a few days here and there in California since our trips will be in 10-day to 2-week chunks.  Talk about flexibility!  I guess it's good to be getting practice.

It's funny, another word for flexible, is yielding.  I've heard that word several times this last week--especially last weekend as dear Hannah publicly committed her life to Christ.  In our spiritual journey, yielding to the Spirit is how we learn to know God.  As hard as it is to surrender because it breaks us, it always leads to revelation!  And there is nothing greater than experiencing God as He reveals His character!

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