For everything there is a season... ecclesiastes 3:1
Your statutes have been my songs in the house of my sojourning. psalm 119:54

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

In the Field

As we finished up our work in the south, it was time to say goodbye to the river.  We probably won't be back in this area since they should finish up the harvesting around here and will be mostly in the north with the maize (corn) in a few weeks.  

 I went for an early morning run down by the river to soak in it's beauty one more time.

Then we headed out to the field.

 Jonathan and I riding together in the combine.  Together with the operator, there was only the one seat we had to share!

It was great to see our monitors up and running and beginning to understand how they work.  It really is fascinating to see the barley coming in and check out all the numbers simultaneously.

 There she is.  This is a barley field.

As usual, the view was spectacular.  Nothing like harvesting with the volcano in the distance, along with a beautiful pine forest and the golden field...gorgeous!

After a quick shopping trip yesterday afternoon (where I was outfitted with coveralls and boots--yes, height of fashion, let me tell you!) we made it farther north and contacted the next grower we'll be working with.  We're hoping to do that install today.  More to come...

1 comment:

  1. beautiful pictures! will share with grandpas and grandmas!
