For everything there is a season... ecclesiastes 3:1
Your statutes have been my songs in the house of my sojourning. psalm 119:54

Friday, April 5, 2013

More random observations from Argentina

I'm not sure how much you all enjoy reading about the "randomness", as I like to call it.  But I kind of like this kind of post.  And anyway, we'll have a blast reading it years down the road as we fondly recall our Argentine adventures!

First off, with the differently pronged electrical outlets, you may wonder how we survive with so many electronics to charge.

 This is how.

The other day as I was running in the plaza which is located nearby our hotel here in good ole' Venado Tuerto (remember what that means?), I noticed this.

 This might very well be the one-eyed deer,
after which this illustrious town was named.

As you may have heard, the new pope is an Argentine!  I snapped a pic of a new billboard in Buenos Aires.

 Here he is!  The people here are very proud of the new pope,
hence the giant billboard celebrating his appointment.

You may also have heard that its been very rainy here in Argentina.  South of Buenos Aires, there has been some terrible torrential storms leading to severe flooding.  The death toll is over 50, with thousands more displaced from their homes.  Another testament to how the government and infrastructure here isn't quite as developed as it could be.

Next are a few shots from around town.  Just random things I thought were kind of worth noting about Argentina.

 An orange cone on a car means it's for sale.
Neat, huh?

 This building is just goofy.
I can't quite figure it out.
And pink???

Last but certainly not least, I want to thank you for praying for us and our busy schedule!  It is working!  This week has actually been the most relaxing week yet!  Thank you so much!  I needed the reminder that God can take even what appears impossible, and shine through with His perfect provision!

Don't get me wrong, we've been working!  But with the rain, we've had a more flexible schedule, not so dependent on when the guys aren't harvesting.  We even had time for a date tonight!  You might think getting to go out to eat every night would be like dates every day!  NOT!  It actually gets old.  Especially when every restaurant has the same menu.  You might think working together, we get plenty of quality time!  NOT!  Funny how that kind of thing is always the kind of thing you have to make time for.    
 The thing is, I'm married to a Sauder.
And Sauders do this thing where they eat dessert first!
Yup, our date was dessert and coffee...before dinner!  *gasp*
Oh, yes, did I mention it was tiramisu?
Best. Ever. 

Life is sweet!

1 comment:

  1. I love the random pictures - all the quirky things you notice in a new place. Glad you're having a good week!
